
Whoa, it’s been a minute since I last wrote a post for SerranoStrength.

To whoever cares, I’m sorry. I promise I’m coming back.

To those who don’t know me yet, stick around you’ll learn a thing or two about being healthy, sexy, and awesome.

You see when I first started writing for my blog I was sleeping on the floor of my mom’s living room, freshly dropped out of college.

Now I’m working at Strength Camp in St. Pete FL, with some cool ass people.

It doesn’t get more awesome than that.

I’ve come a long way since I first started this blog and even though I’ve been MIA for a bit I will always come back.

I love writing and helping people become the strongest version of themselves.

That was the purpose for starting this blog and still is to this day.

So to kick off the new chapter of SerranoStrength, I wanted to teach you guys about a subject that I truly believe in.


It is my conviction that every Man should naturally have a high level of testosterone.

Unfortunately, society and our way of living has made it difficult to do this.

But why would you let society beat you. You don’t want to be like everyone else.

Being different is a good thing and having naturally high testosterone is definitely different in our day and age.

So without further ado I bring to you:

5 Ways To Naturally Have High Testosterone

Lose Body Fat

A large percentage of men in the United States have low testosterone. And in correlation with this, a large percentage of men in the United States have way too much body fat on their bodies.

One way to naturally have high testosterone is by being at a lower body fat percentage.

How much body fat is too much body fat?

Well, I believe our abs should be visible year around. Now I’m not talking about shredded. Just low enough where you can see some definition. That would be around 11%<.

If you have a lot of body fat to lose start now. It’s not like you need to wait to reach 11% to start seeing the results of having high testosterone.

Your T levels will increase the minute you start losing weight.

How do I burn body fat?

The simple answer is eat in a calorie deficit.

It doesn’t matter what your macronutrient breakdown is. As long as you’re eating in a deficit then you’ll burn body fat.

But if you want to be healthy from the inside out, macronutrient breakdown does matter.

For example, there’s a lot of new research out that states we eat way too much protein. There’s a recent study that concluded a protein intake of .6-.9g/lbs of LBM is sufficient enough to elicit recovery from workouts. Anything more and it gets extracted from your body without use.

All that extra protein can wreak havoc to your digestive tract as well.

Same things goes for carbs.

There are some people that are insulin resistant and would do better on a lower carb type of diet.

All these factors matter in the long run.

I don’t mean to confuse any newbies just trying to provoke you to learn more.

Reduce Stress

Stress is probably one of the biggest killers of High T.

Everyone and their mothers are stressed out these days. It’s everywhere and it’s pretty hard to get away from it.

Unless you actively do things to lower your stress levels.

I’ve written a whole article on reducing stress but I’ll drop some knowledge bombs here as well.

One of my favorite ways to reduce stress is to meditate.

I listen to Holosync every single day and I can honestly say it’s a game changer. Besides the fact that it’s scientifically proven to lower cortisol levels, meditation teaches you to get out of your head, which is the root cause of a lot of people’s stress.

The next best thing to combat stress is to go out in nature. Hug a tree.

I love walking out in the woods. It’s relaxing and I get time for myself. I tend to listen to my favorite music, audiobook, or podcast when I hike.

This activity always puts me in a good mood and sets the tone for my day.

Practice being in the moment and enjoy your five sense. There’s so much nature has to offer. Go out and enjoy it.

Strength Train

Lifting heavy weights is awesome, so it’s to no surprise that lifting heavy shit raises your testosterone levels.

I started strength training back when I was a freshman in high school. I stumbled upon a westside barbell article and instantly wanted to give this method a try.

What I didn’t know was that the type of workouts I was about to endure were not for beginners.

I quickly burned out and didn’t see much progress from my short time strength training.

It wasn’t until a year later where I understood the concept of training for strength a lot more.

If you’re a newbie that wants to dip their toes into strength training make sure you’ve mastered simple bodyweight movements before putting a barbell in your hands.

Once you’re able to move your body through space with strict form it’ll make strength training safer and a lot more effective for you.

When you’re ready for the bar start with the basic compound lifts.

  • Squats
  • Bench
  • Deadlifts

Do one of the exercises above each day. So on Monday’s you’d do Squats, Wednesday’s Bench, and Friday’s Deadlift.

Perform 3 sets of 5 for every workout and increase weight by 5-10 pounds every week.

After performing the main lift you’d want to go into supplemental work.

These are exercises for the smaller muscles and stabilizers that will help bring up your main lifts.

So for example on Monday you’d do legs, and it would look something like this:

Superset 1

Walking Lunges – 3×10 each leg

Single Leg Glute Bridge – 3×10-15

Superset 2

Goblet Squats – 3×8-10

Planks – 3×30-60 second

The purpose of the supplemental work is to practice unilateral movements and work on building some muscle mass, that’s why I like using a higher rep range for these lifts.

So there you go guys, a simple framework that you can use for the other two days. Just make sure u pick effective exercises.

Testosterone is no joke.

It’s what makes a man, A MAN.

If you suffer from Low T levels I recommend starting with the techniques I mention above. Hormone replacement therapy is a risky procedure and I see more harm than good coming out of it.

You can naturally increase your testosterone. You just have to put in more work than just going to the doctor and getting injected with hormones.

Don’t take the easy way out.

Work for the testosterone you want. That way you can say you’ve earned it.

If you want a foolproof system created by a neurosurgeon designed to increase any man’s low T issue. Check out my good friend’s Testosterone System.

His name’s Doc Testosterone and he’s helped thousands of guys across the world naturally increase their T Levels. 

Put in the work, reap the rewards.

Nothing good in life comes without hard work.

And having high testosterone is reeeeaaaaalll fuck good.

Holler at you next time,
